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> MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: Radiology Equipment

PLX112 High Frequency Mobile Surgical X-ray Machine (See specifications below...)


Fluoroscopic Capacity
Max rated capacity:
Tube Current 4mA, Tube Voltage 110kV
Automatic Fluoroscopy:
Tube Voltage:40kV ~ 110kV adjust automatically
Tube Current:0.3mA ~ 4mA set manually
Manual Fluoroscopy:
Continuous Tube Voltage:40kV ~ 110kV
ContinuousTube Current:0.3mA ~ 4mA
Continuous Tube Voltage:40kV ~ 110kV
Continuous Tube Current:4.1mA ~ 8mA
Photography Capacity
Max rated capacity:
3.5 KW
Tube Voltage and Current Combination:
40kV ~ 49kV 1 ~ 125 mAs
50kV ~ 59kV 1 ~ 110 mAs
60kV ~ 69kV 1 ~ 90 mAs
70kV ~ 79kV 1 ~ 80 mAs
80kV ~ 89kV 1 ~ 71 mAs
90kV ~ 99kV 1 ~ 63 mAs
100kV ~ 110kV 1 ~ 40 mAs
Plateholder Size:
200mm x 250mm(8�� x 10��)or 250mm x 300mm�i10�� x 12���j
X-ray Tube
X-ray Tube Special forHigh Frequency
Fixed anode X-ray tube with 2 foci:Large focus: 1.5mm, small focus: 0.6mmInverter Frequency: 40KHzThermal capacity: 30KJ (40HU)
Image Intensifier:
Image Intensifier made by TOSHIBA (9���A6���A4.5��)
CCD Vidicon
Horizontal 1000 lines and vertical 800 lines,
Bandwidth: 12.5MHz,
Image/sec: 25
CCU(central control):
Recursive Filter: K=8, 7 images storage, image upright, image overturn�Cpositive & negative image�GLIH�ilast image freeze�j, and OSD�imonitor display�j
Direction wheel:
�}90��revolution�Ccan change the moving direction of the unit.
Ascending & Descending Range of Pillar:
Forward and Backward Movement: 200mmRevolution around Horizontal Axis: �}180��Revolution around Vertical Axis:�}15Slip on orbit: 120��(+90���` -30��)
1�AWith a small and beautiful appearance, and easy to operate;
2�AClinical Video system with high performance�C7 images storage volume, and two 14��high-resolution monitors;
3�AAutomatically track fluoroscopy to make the image brightness and clearness optimum;
4�AAutomatically store the last image of fluoroscopy to advantage diagnosis;
5�AWith a high-quality knockdown X-ray generator to reduce radiation;


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