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> MEDICAL EQUIPMENT: Radiology Equipment

PLX120 Remote-Control Fluoroscopy X-ray Machine (See specifications below...)


Fluoroscopic Capacity
Max rated capacity:
Tube current 3mA, Tube voltage 100kV
Automatic Fluoroscopy:
Tube voltage: 40kV~100kV, adjust automatically
Tube current: 0.3mA~3mA, set manually
Manual Fluoroscopy:
continuous tube voltage: 40kV~100kV
continuous tube current: 0.3mA~3mA
X-ray Tube
Fixed anode x-ray tube with single focus:
small focus 0.5mm
Field of view:
The unit applies 230mm (9) EGA. And 305mm (12) is optional.
Image resolution:
Horizontal 800 lines and
Vertical 400 line
Gray scale: 8
Resolution: 12LP/cm
Line Scanned: 625
Image/sec: 25
Ascending&descending range: 880mm; focal length: 900mm
examination table:
Horizontal movement: 90mmleftwards or rightwards; rotation angle: 45 clockwise or anti-clockwise.
1. Equipped With image intensifier of high resolution to reduce emission dose, as well as making operation in bright room possible.
2. Taking the ascending and descending movements, horizontal movements and rotation by itself instead of manual operation to ensure safety and relaibility.
3. With a clear and high resolution video system
4?AAutomatically track fluoroscopy to make the image brightness and clearness optimum
5. With remote control to protect doctors against x-ray radiation, at the same time reduce the emission dose on the patient
.6. With a humanistic design to meet the operational requirements of medical affairs.
The unit is suitable for continuous flourscopy of gullet, chest, intestines, stomack, venter and extremitiy.


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